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Dumbartonshire Golf Union was created when the following letter was sent to five golf clubs in July 1896. The letter was sent by W Craig the Honorary Secretary of Dumbarton Golf Club.


It is believed that it would promote the interests of golf in the County and good relationship between County Clubs if represetatives from the various Clubs met together in annual competition, and it has been suggested that this Club might take the initiative in submitting the matter for consideration.

I have accordingly been instructed to communicate with the various Clubs in the County with the view of eliciting their views, and to intimate that this Club looks with favour upon such a scheme of the nature referred to; and would be willing in the event of its being favourably entertained by the other Clubs to arrange, or assist in arranging, a preliminary competition on a day to be afterwards fixed – say in September or October – to which the various Clubs in the County could be invited to send two or three representatives.

After a preliminary competition, if the scheme were thought likely to prove a success, steps could be taken to form a County Union, and arrange for a Trophy for Annual Competition.

Will you kindly put the matter before your Committee and favour me with the views of your Club. If favourable to the scheme you might also let me have any suggestions that occur to your Committee.

If thought expedient a meeting of representatives from the approving Clubs could be arranged to make the necessary arrangements for the preliminary competition. It appears to my Committee that the preliminary competition might take the form of a Stroke Competition – the aggregate of each Club’s representatives to count. If desired it could take place at Dumbarton.

I would be glad if you will let me hear from you at your early convenience. Believe me.

Yours faithfully
W Craig.

After a follow-up letter Dumbartonshire Golf Union was born with the following Clubs: Bannerman, Bearsden, Cardross, Dullatur, Helensburgh and Dumbarton.

Welcome to the official website of the Dumbartonshire Golf Union. Here you will find full details of the role played by the DGU and the organised tournaments and events they run. The website also contains the competition results for DGU matches, together with the Union’s latest news, member club information and history.

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