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Scottish Golf Performance Programme
Scottish Golf have developed a new performance programme in conjunction with Paul Lawrie and Catriona Matthew. Details are on the SGL website at SGL Performance Programme Congratulations to James Wilson (Balmore GC) for his selection in the National High-Performance Squad.
West of Scotland Junior Opens
With thanks to the West of Scotland Junior Opens facebook page for the data, the following is the current list of junior opens in the West of Scotland. WOS Junior Opens 2021 The list will also be available in the Junior Opens section of our website and will be updated as Areas and clubs finalise their…
Coaching College
It was great to see 8 of the boys in the Coaching College taking part in an outdoors session at Balmore Golf Club on Sunday with Gary McFarlane, pro at Clober Golf Club. We hope to have another session in December, weather and Covid restrictions permitting. The picture is the boys showing their support for the NHS…
SGL COVID UPDATE (20th November)
SGL have updated their advice on travel restrictions after receiving more details from Scottish Government. SGL Statement (20th November) As detailed in our COVID-19 Update yesterday, we were awaiting final detail from the Scottish Government about travel restrictions which will become law from 6pm this evening (Friday 20 November). Following the parliamentary process, Scottish Golf has today…
DGU Championship Results
Hilton Park Golf Club : Sunday 27th September 2020. Congratulations to Gary Murphy (Clydebank & District) who won with a very fine 2 under par 68 beating George Duncan (Windyhill), who also scored 68, on a count back. The Wylie Club trophy was won by Clydebank & District with a score of 213. Full results are available here…
DGU Championship 2020
Due to the difficulties in organising competitions this year, the 2020 Championship will be a shorter event and will be held over 18 holes in the afternoon of Sunday 27th September at Hilton Park Golf Club (Hilton course). A decision on the Matchplay Championship will be made once the entries for the Strokeplay championship are known…

Welcome to the official website of the Dumbartonshire Golf Union. Here you will find full details of the role played by the DGU and the organised tournaments and events they run. The website also contains the competition results for DGU matches, together with the Union’s latest news, member club information and history.

Dumbartonshire Golf Union © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to the official website of the Dumbartonshire Golf Union. Here you will find full details of the role played by the DGU and the organised tournaments and events they run. The website also contains the competition results for DGU matches, together with the Union’s latest news, member club information and history.

© 2025 Dumbartonshire Golf Union. All Rights Reserved.

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